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Coronavirus - Should I travel to Japan or cancel my trip?

"Should I cancel my trip to Japan?"
"Should I go to Japan?"
Let's talk about this topic.
I am a travel agent. Specializing in Japan. So we are mainly about going to Japan since it's sakura season for Okinawa and Kawazu now, and estimated late March from Kanto down to Kyushu.
Regarding the recent coronavirus from Wuhan (2019-nCov), the current situation in Japan is that, the people that are affected are of Chinese nationality, or tour bus driver and conductor that had direct contact with those who are infected, so there is currently no outbreak of 2019-nCov in Japan.
We also know that this virus is mutated and designed to attack those with weak immune systems. So it is very important for us to maintain our good health - drink enough water, consume the right amounts of nutrients, get enough sleep and maintain a good mood, and of course, maintaining good hygiene :)
As of the time being, my team members in H.I.S. Travel and customers have been traveling to and from Japan safely with the right precautions taken by wearing surgical masks, using hand sanitizer and maintaining good hygiene. Japan is also taking a good measure in airport security in their customs clearance as well.
Japan is larger than Malaysia and Tokyo has higher density of population compared to Malaysia. Tokyo itself's population is as if you are putting all Malaysians into Tokyo. Current affected case in the entire Japan is 25 person, mainly focused in Tokyo, and are quarantined for treatment. Comparing to 14 cases in Malaysia, the risk is not as high as portrayed in the media as long as you take the right precautions.
With the above information, in my opinion, it is still safe to travel to Japan as long as the right measures are taken to protect ourselves.
Of course, if you are heading to Tokyo, one good measure to protect yourself is to avoid super crowded places such as rush hours in Tokyo, or consider a day trip out of Tokyo - Nikko, Karuizawa, Utsunomiya. Perhaps it is a good timing to explore the hidden gems in Tokyo like Oji or Itabashi of Ikebukuro ;)
It is also very important to have a good travel insurance to cover your expenses in case if there is a Travel Notice that has published that is advising against all Malaysians to travel to Japan.
We know that it is a new virus. Perhaps there might be changes, but with an awareness of community, health and hygiene, we will not be easily defeated.
If you are too stressed, your immune system will weaken ne~ Don't be so stressed and always take precautions. Maintain a good mental health to improve your physical health too!
Take care, everyone!