All 8 Harry Potter Wand Magic Spots in USJ - A Magical Experience!
So in my previous post, I’ve gave some tips on how you can enjoy Universal Studios Japan (USJ) without an Express Pass for you to save a couple of bucks for your Harry Potter franchise’s merchandises!
Of course, one of the merchandises that Potterheads would love to get would be their favorite wands! Though they can come in a little pricey, but it is worth all the fun, and the price can be sometimes cheaper than USJ Express Pass (the prices of Express Pass differs every day, so be sure to ask your staff from H.I.S. Travel to find the best Universal Studios Japan deal for you)!
This post is for those who are willing to get the Magical Wand at 4,900 JPY (Approx. RM200), and if you are doing so, it is going to be quite an amazing experience in your life!
Why is it so important that I would recommend this to you, you ask? Because buying the Magical wand with a difference of 400 JPY (Approx. RM16+) will make your journey to USJ a whole lot more wonderful!
What’s the difference between Magical Wand and Original Wand?
There are different kinds of wands, but if you are looking for a magical experience, go for the 4,900 JPY wand!
As you can see from my comparison image above, the Magical Wand comes with a sensor. This sensor will help you to interact with different magical spots in USJ’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
If you are getting the ordinary wand, you can keep them as a collection! But sadly, you can’t experience the Magical Wand parts – which is why I strongly recommend you to grab the Magical Wand!
Wait, so I’ve got the wand, now how do I actually know the spots?
Fear not, my magical child. The world of magic is everywhere within this area!
With the Magical Wand, you will also be given a map to discover the spots. You are also given a cheat sheet on the wand movements beforehand!
With the Magical Wand, you will also be given a map to discover the spots. You are also given a cheat sheet on the wand movements beforehand!
Even if you aren’t good in reading maps, you can find symbols like these too. That is where you can see a magical guide (USJ Crew, dressed in a blue shirt with a vest) that will aid your successful cast of spell!
So, let’s go!! (Don’t worry, I won’t give out all spoilers, I still want you to experience it fully yourself!)
1. Cistem Aperio!
These signs shows you three things!
- Direction on where your wand should point to
- How to cast the spell
- The name of the spell
- When this spell is used: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Tom Riddle
- The spell is used to open boxes
- Location hint: Hogwarts Express Luggage (see image below)
- Difficulty: 5/5 (Not to say that it is really difficult but many people had multiple tries here due to failure so…)
2. Alohomora!
- When this spell is used: When you want to cast fire and damage someone (lol)
- The spell is used to unlock stuff, great for thieves lol
- Location hint: In Hogsmeade’s Gate Door (see image above)
- Difficulty: 3.5/5
3. Incendio!
- When this spell is used: When you want to cast fire and damage someone (lol)
- The spell is used to create pretty sparks (fire)
- Location hint: In Hogsmeade’s Wall Building Chimey (see image above)
- Difficulty: 3.5/5
- Additional hint: Try this on Day and Night! Reason? See image below:
Wonderful, isn’t it?
4. Arresto Momentum!
- When this spell is used: During a Qudditch Match – Harry used the spell to prevent himself from hitting the floor
- The spell is used to pause movements
- Location hint: Dervish and Banges Music Box (see image above)
- Difficulty: 2.5/5
5. Aguamenti!
- When this spell is used: When you don’t drink enough water (jk it’s in the Half Blood Prince)
- It’s just down the way down after finishing your “charms test” at #4
- The spell is used to sprout waters
- Location hint: Dervish and Banges Alley (see image above)
- Difficulty: 2/5
- Additional hint: Do not wear shoes that are slippery. Wear something comfortable to walk.
6. Meteolojinx!
- When this spell is used: When you hate the weather and wished to change it
- The spell is first mentioned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
- Location hint: Honeydukes Back Alley, near Three Broomsticks (see image below)
- Difficulty: 3/5
- Additional hint: Just do half circles, back and forth
7. Wingardium Leviosa!
- When this spell is used: In the very first movie. It’s the most famous spell in the Harry Potter series!
- The spell is used to make stuff float. Don’t forget to say your spell out with the right emphasis!
- Location hint: Spintwitches Quaffle Ball, near its show window (see image above)
- Difficulty: 4/5 (another spell that many can’t pass on the first try)
- p/s: It’s super duper heavy (Approx. 65kg, if according to the book’s description since it’s pure iron) so if you can lift it up with your wand, feel proud of yourself!
8. Ventus!
- When this spell is used: When you want to cast shoot someone away with wind (You can also see Newt Scamander using it in Fantastic Beasts!)
- The jinx is used to summon strong streams of wind
- Location hint: Quidditch Banners (It’s too big of a spoiler to show by picture…)
- Difficulty: 1/5 (legit the easiest of all lol)
Other things to take note:
- On busy days, you might need to queue. There might be a limit of 5 tries per person.
- Everything is basically down a road and is not too far apart from each other, though I did Meteolojinx (6) last, but it depends on how you go around. The most important part is to enjoy!
- You can keep your Magical Wand for a second visit next time, as long as you take a good care of the wand and not spoil the sensor, it will be fine to use it for multiple times!
- For people with a budget that would like to share a Magical Wand, please do not pass the wand to the other person, especially when there is a crowd. It is more polite to queue separately and pass the wand when the first person is out of the queue.
- A friend said that it might be possible to use the Magical Wand in other Universal Studios that has a Wizarding World too, but I have yet to try it out. Will let you know once I visited the one in Orlando!
Hope you will find this helpful!
Until next time!